

View Tracking of Learners Page
Learner's Movement
Learner Reference Number (LRN):
Name of Learner (Lastname, Firstname, Middlename)
Current Grade Level
Date of Birth:
Name and Division of School:
Originating School (if Trans-in/Moved-in)
Receiving School (if Moved-out, Trans-out,Repeater)
if Dropped-out or School Leaver: place "Not Applicable"
Latest SY enrollment(prior to current SY)
Latest Grade Level attended(Prior to current SY)
Move In: Learners from another school enrolling into the school between school years
Move Out: Learners from the school enrolling into a diferrent school between school years
Transferred In: Learners from a different school enrolling into the school within the school year
Transferred Out: Learners from the school enrolling into a different school within the school year
Dropped Out: Learners who do not finish a particular grade/year level
School Leaver: Learners who do not finish a particular grade/year level as well as those who finish but fail to enroll in the next grade/year level the following school year
Repeater: Learners who repeat a grade/year level

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